Thursday, March 21, 2013

Music Project

   Title of Song: Drifter
   Artist: Wild Nothing

This songs meaning, to me, is two people in love who fall asleep dreaming of one another. Basically, just falling asleep totally entranced in someone, so they take up all of your thoughts. To match the meaning/feeing of the song, I took the picture of someone asleep in tall grass. This spot just looks very peaceful, and I think everything about this photo and how it was taken just makes you sleepy or relaxed. I made the picture black and white, and added a dreamy blue tint. And for the text, i made it a faded white, not just a solid white, i turned down the opacity to add the feeling of a dream. 

In lightroom to edit this photo, I converted it to black and white, blue grey level to 58, calibration blue hue to -89, temperature to -9, tint to -16, exposure to -0.10, highlight recovery to 100, brightness to +17, contrast to -11, highlight tones to +15, and light tones to -17. Then in photoshop, I used colorize and set the hue to 243, saturation 17, and lightness -1. Then I used the text tool to add the text. For the font I used "cochin" and 36pt and I kept the size at regular. And lastly, to add the "dreamy" look to the lyrics, I changed the opacity to 52%.

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