Thursday, May 30, 2013

Technical Challenge

 Light meter: 0 Shutter speed: 1/1000 Aperture: 4.4
This picture had perfect light balance
 Light meter: -1 Shutter speed: 1/2500 Aperture: 5.7
This picture is a bit too dark
Light meter: -2 Shutter speed: 1/2500 Aperture: 6.3
This picture is way too dark
ISO: 1000 Shutter speed: 1/1250 Aperture: 4.5
This picture was too bright
 ISO: 400 Shutter speed: 1/1250 Aperture: 8.0
This picture had perfect light balance 
 ISO: 100 Shutter speed: 1/2000 Aperture: 8.1
This picture was just a little too dark

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Fantasy Light Effects

I edited this photo in photoshop. I used the brush tool in sizes 100, 65, and 35. Then i added a outer glow and changed the spread to 6. Finally I used the freeform pen tool to draw a path in the background. To make the glow appear I right clicked on the path, selected stroke path, and selected brush. Then I deleted the path by right clicking again and selecting delete

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Shutter Speed

 Shutter speed: 200
 Shutter speed: 1000
Shutter speed: 400

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Music Project

   Title of Song: Drifter
   Artist: Wild Nothing

This songs meaning, to me, is two people in love who fall asleep dreaming of one another. Basically, just falling asleep totally entranced in someone, so they take up all of your thoughts. To match the meaning/feeing of the song, I took the picture of someone asleep in tall grass. This spot just looks very peaceful, and I think everything about this photo and how it was taken just makes you sleepy or relaxed. I made the picture black and white, and added a dreamy blue tint. And for the text, i made it a faded white, not just a solid white, i turned down the opacity to add the feeling of a dream. 

In lightroom to edit this photo, I converted it to black and white, blue grey level to 58, calibration blue hue to -89, temperature to -9, tint to -16, exposure to -0.10, highlight recovery to 100, brightness to +17, contrast to -11, highlight tones to +15, and light tones to -17. Then in photoshop, I used colorize and set the hue to 243, saturation 17, and lightness -1. Then I used the text tool to add the text. For the font I used "cochin" and 36pt and I kept the size at regular. And lastly, to add the "dreamy" look to the lyrics, I changed the opacity to 52%.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Frozen Motion Project

 To edit this photo I used Lightroom. I started by cropping it to 5x7 and converting to grey scale. Then, I made contrast: 28, clarity: 32, exposure: -0.34, dark tones: 34, light tones: -2, and shadow tones: 6. Shutter speed was 320.

To edit this photo I used Lightroom. I started by cropping it to 5x7 and converting to grey scale. Then I made contrast: 7, clarity: 45, exposure: -0.34, dark tones: 9, light tones: -2, shadow tones: 11, and highlight tones: 26. Shutter speed was 320.
To edit this photo I used Lightroom. I started by cropping it to 5x7 and converting to grey scale. Then I made contrast: 15, clarity: 30, exposure: -0.17, dark tones: 32, lights tones: -32, and shadow tones: 60. Shutter speed was 320.

 To edit this photo I used Lightroom. I started by cropping it to 5x7 and converting to grey scale. Then iImade contrast: 12, clarity: 51, exposure: -0.34, dark tones: 4, light tones: 15, shadow tones: -2, and highlight tones: -4. Shutter speed was 320.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Text Project

To make this text I used photoshop. I used gradient to make the yellow and white background. Then in fx I used drop shadow opacity 100%, distance 15px, spread 0%, and size 9px. Outer glow opacity 88%, and color yellow. Bevel and Emboss depth 520%, and size 10px. Pattern overlay pattern bubbles, opacity 45%, and scale 251%.