Monday, February 25, 2013

Frozen Motion Project

 To edit this photo I used Lightroom. I started by cropping it to 5x7 and converting to grey scale. Then, I made contrast: 28, clarity: 32, exposure: -0.34, dark tones: 34, light tones: -2, and shadow tones: 6. Shutter speed was 320.

To edit this photo I used Lightroom. I started by cropping it to 5x7 and converting to grey scale. Then I made contrast: 7, clarity: 45, exposure: -0.34, dark tones: 9, light tones: -2, shadow tones: 11, and highlight tones: 26. Shutter speed was 320.
To edit this photo I used Lightroom. I started by cropping it to 5x7 and converting to grey scale. Then I made contrast: 15, clarity: 30, exposure: -0.17, dark tones: 32, lights tones: -32, and shadow tones: 60. Shutter speed was 320.

 To edit this photo I used Lightroom. I started by cropping it to 5x7 and converting to grey scale. Then iImade contrast: 12, clarity: 51, exposure: -0.34, dark tones: 4, light tones: 15, shadow tones: -2, and highlight tones: -4. Shutter speed was 320.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Text Project

To make this text I used photoshop. I used gradient to make the yellow and white background. Then in fx I used drop shadow opacity 100%, distance 15px, spread 0%, and size 9px. Outer glow opacity 88%, and color yellow. Bevel and Emboss depth 520%, and size 10px. Pattern overlay pattern bubbles, opacity 45%, and scale 251%.

Monday, February 4, 2013


To make the grid, we set the guidelines to vert. 1in, 8in, and hor. 1in, 5in. Then we lined up the pictures with the edges of the guidelines.